Contortionist/Aerialist/Dancer/Actor for Theater in Quarantine's 3D Nosferatu.
Looking for contortionists/aerialists/dancers/actors for female-presenting role in Theater in Quarantine's latest digital performance experiment, Nosferatu: A 3D Symphony of Horror, presented by NYUSkirball. Performing from an actual closet that's only 4 ft wide x 8 ft tall and only 2 ft deep, we are looking to meet flexible, dynamic movers, comfortable with some degree of harness-work, interested in working with technology, and game for a highly collaborative, multi-disciplinary process during the month of October, culminating in an intensive week-long run (live-streamed to YouTube) leading up to Halloween.
Auditions will be set up by appointment and will take place in the Theater in Quarantine closet between September 5th-10th. Be prepared to improvise a brief movement sequence.
Rehearsal Period - October 1st-26th in the East Village
Performances - October 27th-31st, shows at 7pm and 9pm
Fee: 3K
Non-Union only
Send inquiries to theaterinquarantine@gmail.com
Nosferatu: A 3D Symphony of Horror
Created by Theater in Quarantine / Presented by NYUSkirball
Reaching back to the classic 3D technology of cardboard glasses and old midnight movies, Nosferatu: A 3D Symphony of Horror is the newest experiment in digital performance from Theater in Quarantine. This reimagining of the 1922 vampire classic will be livestreamed in live 3D from Joshua William Gelb's acclaimed Theater in Quarantine closet directly to audience’s phones or devices. This NYU Skirball commission is being created in collaboration with puppet artist and theatermaker Nick Lehane and designer Normandy Sherwood.